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News - March 2017
Opus Digital Lab is expanding and revamping!
Opus Digital Lab is expanding, leading the 4K Ultra HD revolution in Israel:
New! The only SCRATCH Ultra HD suite in Israel, offering high-end workstation that supports 4K in real time, the only 4K 65” monitor in Israel and the best scope for perfect calibration.
Scratch 2K suite for feature films. Opus invites you to enjoy the color grading on a system connected to a 2K projector and equipped with an advanced surround system. The system is calibrated to the same standards as leading cinemas.
Scratch HD – For quality HD productions on a professional and calibrated 50” screen.
Scratch VR – The only system in Israel for editing Virtual Reality productions and 360° films.
Da Vinci Resolve Studio Suite – Highest standard in Israel, providing a solution for productions and editor that prefer to work on the old and popular system.
Ido Karilla - Head of DI department:
“Several years ago, when everyone was just starting to show an interest in the 4K revolution, we were already deep into the field. Today, instead of pursuing interim solutions, Opus leads the revolution, providing a complete solution, endless computing power, monitoring and uncompromising quality control.
The new 4K grading suite at Opus is based on today’s most advanced technology, enabling real time UHD (Ultra HD) work and supporting all UHD and 4K formats generated by all the professional cameras.
We chose a 65” monitor through which we can experience the 4K world in all of its glory.
As on all other matters, we did not compromise on calibrating the monitor to the most advanced standards. Implementing unique Colorimetry Research technologies, we can calibrate and set the monitor at any specification required, both for broadcasting factors in Israel and for international entities. The monitor is calibrated according to the requirements and standards set forth by Sony Entertainment. We already working on the best 4K series and the results are amazing”.
New at Opus! A digital archive for production companies
It’s time to put an end to the mess involved in backups, hard disks and tapes.
Tapes around the office, hard disks with various materials, urgent searches at the moment of truth in order to find a certain file or lost episode – no more! It’s time for change!
Opus offers a simple and innovative service for ensuring digital order for saving time and money.
Opus’ advanced system enables you to save all of the digital material at the production office in an efficient, organized and accessible manner.
Raw materials and broadcasting grade masters will be backed up to LTO 7 tapes and saved at your offices or at Opus, classified and organized in a manner that enables their rapid and precise retrieval when needed, using a barcode based cataloguing software.
We will digitize the production company’s entire tape archive into two formats – broadcasting grade files and MP4 files that will be saved on a cloud, for viewing at the office, at home and on any tablet and mobile device, anywhere around the world.
Following extended research, we chose a scientific oven where your old videotapes are “baked”. OId and decaying tapes come to life with the proper treatment, enabling you to restore variable material that was lost. Precise baking enables us to digitize them with more confidence and at a higher quality. We recently won a tender for digitizing thousands of Jerusalem Cinematheque tapes, after we were found the most suitable by an international consulting company.
Remote archive management – optional: We will receive and send you any file, of any size, to any location around the world, using a fast and secured line.
Restoration – For film and documentary creators
New software and tools for preserving and repairing film worn over the years
The cinematic and documentary treasures of past generations are dwindling, despite their increased use in documentaries and the public’s renewed access to feature films.
In addition to the most advanced color capabilities in the world, we have also obtained the best restoration system in the world: the Phoenix Refine software, enabling restoration at a competitive price and significantly shorter rendering times.
The system is connected to a 65” 4K monitor, enabling the user to control, locate and handle flaws: clean blotches, scratches, dust, stability, blinking, warping and any possible defect in the film world.
Clients from the television and film industry are already using the system, reporting great success in the field.
We recently restored “Late Summer Blues”
Renen Schorr, director and co-producer says: “The experience of restoring “Late Summer Blues” was overwhelming. Like the rebirth of the film. The starting point was not very good – the movie was shot on 16 mm film, the negatives were not kept in a “safe” and it was used repeatedly to reprint copies directly enlarged to 35 mm. 10 copies, scratched and wounded, flattened its color and watered down the experience into a faded replica of the original.
I could not watch the film for 30 years.
David Garfunkel, as the artistic advisor, along with Ido Karilla and Ben Lalchuk of Opus on the Phoenix Refine software, joined the project of restoring the film, which started out with an optimal scan of the negative abroad. Their creative, artistic and diligent work brought me to tears at the first viewing and I said “The film I saw was better than the one I directed in 1987 and better than what I saw on screen in 1987”.
“We dove in like scuba divers seeking a treasure ship in the deep”, said Garfunkel after the touching debut, “we pulled it out, took it to dry dock and began retelling its story”.
“I wish all directors and producers my experience in optimizing the film, the contact with the audience in the theater and the ability to offer it on any media and send it out into space in the best possible condition.”